Tag: 145.43 repeater
145.43 Transmitter Off The Air
We have taken the 43 transmitter off the air to address a sub-carrier issue that was identified. It appears to be coming from the CPU Clock signal in the audio. We should have it back on the air soon.
43 is Back!
After a full week of burn in and adjustments, we are ready to say that 43 is back on the air and performing at its best. It was a rocky road of eeprom and eprom burning, reconfiguring and the like to get us where we are after a catastrophic failure. […]
145.43 Repeater is Down
We have developed a very strange issue with the repeater controller on 43. We have powered it down and will be troubleshooting over the coming week. We hope it is something simple… but this seems like a pretty big deal. Considering that this controller is going on 30yrs of age, […]
145.43 is Back on the Air
The necessary storm damage repairs have been completed. The repeater is back on the air and fully functional.
Branson Receiver Back Online
We installed the Branson remote receiver yesterday. It had been damaged by a lightning strike during a winter storm. The logic board required several IC replacements. More to come in the following weeks! Stay tuned!!