Tag: 145.43 repeater

43 Transmitter Restored
The transmitter issue on 145.43 has been repaired. The repeater is back on the air and functioning well.

145.43 Back In Service
Everything is repaired and working well.

145.43 Transmitter Down
We suffered lightning damage during the storm that passed through on Friday 9/16/16. We are evaluating what needs to be repaired and will get things back on the air soon.

43 Transmitter Restored
We have repaired the damage to the 145.43 transmitter. Additionally, we reconfigured the circuitry that has been taking the brunt of lightning damage recently to avoid further frequent outages after storms.

43 Transmitter Down
The core transmitter in Springfield was stuck by lightning and experienced damage as a result. The 43 repeater is off-the-air until repairs can me made.

43 Repeater Down
The 145.43 repeater is currently off-line due to lightning damage that occurred this week. We will be investigating soon and will hopefully make needed repairs without a long delay.

145.43 is Back
We have brought the 145.43 repeater back on-air after some changes to the audio processing. As a result of some testing, we have discovered that we have a voter issue and right now two of our remote receivers are offline. Downtown SGF and Aurora will be off the air for […]