Springfield, Missouri

417-597-3473 hams@sgfrepeater.com


444.725 is Online

Power supply issue. Unit returned to service.

444.725 Off Air

The 444.725 repeater has encountered some sort of failure. We have plans to visit the site in about a week to troubleshoot.

147.12 is Coming Back!

Expect to hear the 147.12 repeater back on the air in the next few days. We have rebuilt everything, bench tested it and it is ready to go. Feedline and antenna have already been placed and are waiting for the repeater to be hooked up. The only thing left to […]

444.675 Decommissioned

The 444.675 DMR repeater has been retired and the frequency pair returned to MO Repeater Council. The 444.725 repeater has been beefed up and is working well. Please use it in analog mode as you please.

146.895 is UP

The Hollister repeater has been brought back online. It is now operating at 20 watts from an antenna at 80ft. The 400ft antenna has failed. Tower inspection did not find any physical issues. It will need replaced.

146.895 DOWN

We recently became aware the repeater was not responding. Upon investigation we discovered sometime in the last two weeks that the TX antenna/feedline has failed. It is showing infinite SWR. We will have to schedule a time to climb and investigate. Due to the extreme heat, this may be several […]

145.43 Down for Upgrades

The repeater will be down until probably mid June. The building is undergoing electric upgrades including the installation of a new generator. Much wiring and breaker boxes are involved. This is an extensive effort. We are sorry for the outage.