Springfield, Missouri

417-597-3473 hams@sgfrepeater.com


Hollister EchoLink Disabled

We have temporarily disabled the echo link on 146.895. We discovered that the PC interface was causing issues with the controller. We are working to get these technical issues resolved and will bring echo link functionality back as soon as possible.

EchoLink on 146.895

We have added EchoLink functionality to the 146.895 repeater in Hollister. The Node number is 889292. Please feel free to use it. The access code is 22.  So to link our repeater to another EchoLink node, simply press 22(node number). And use # to disconnect.

146.895 Hollister Back On The Air

The 146.895 repeater in Hollister has been replaced with all new equipment, including repeater and controller. Please let us know how the system is performing.

Branson/Hollister Damage 146.895

*** UPDATE  7/23/17 *** We are in the process of building a whole new repeater. We are putting together a brand new BridgeCom BCR-50V with an Arcom RC210 controller. Our hope is to have everything back on the air in the next few weeks. *** UPDATE  7/16/17 *** So, it […]

43 Transmitter Restored

The transmitter issue on 145.43 has been repaired. The repeater is back on the air and functioning well.

43 Transmitter Off-Line

Lightning damage has rendered the 43 transmitter unavailable. Repairs are underway and should be completed within the next week.

Hollister 146.895 Back on the Air

Repairs have been made to the RX VCO, thanks to an article that James KB0NHX found and sent our way. Everything seems to be running smoothly at this point. Please contact us and let us know if it acts up again.